This MQB section builds on the computing component, introducing you to basic Data Science including visualization and statistical analyses of data.
You will learn basic to somewhat advanced frequentist statistical methods ad inference in a hands-on on way, interspersed with lectures on underlying concepts.
The chapters in this Section assume that you have already worked through at least the basic sections of the R Chapter of this book.
It is important that you work through the problems in each chapter, particularly as some of the questions ask you to find out about commands and functions not introduced in the chapter’s text itself, but which will be relied on in later chapters.
Readings & Resources#
Look up the Readings directory on MulQuaBio.
Bolker, B. M.: Ecological Models and Data in R (eBook and Hardcover available).
Beckerman, A. P. & Petchey, O. L. (2012) Getting started with R: an introduction for biologists. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (Good, short, general introduction)
Crawley, R. (2013) The R book. 2nd edition. Chichester, Wiley.Excellent but enormous reference book, with code and data available online