Databases #
Many of you will deal with complex data — and often, lots of it. Ecological and Evolutionary data are particularly complex because they contain large numbers of attributes, often measured in very different scales and units for individual taxa, populations, etc. In this scenario, storing the data in a database makes a lot of sense! You can easily include the database in your analysis workflow — indeed, that’s why people use databases. And you can use python (and R) to build, manipulate and use your database.
Relational databases#
A relational database is a collection of interlinked (related) tables that altogether store a complex dataset in a logical, computer-readable format. Dividing a dataset into multiple tables minimizes redundancies. For example, if your data were sampled from three sites — then, rather than repeating the site name and description in each row in a text file, you could just specify a numerical “key” that directs to another table containing the sampling site name and description.
Finally, if you have many rows in your data file, the type of sequential access we have been using in our python
and R
scripts is inefficient — you should be able to instantly access any row regardless of its position
Data columns in a database are usually called fields, while the rows are the records. Here are a few things to keep in mind about databases:
Each field typically contains only one data type (e.g., integers, floats, strings)
Each record is a “data point”, composed of different values, one for each field — somewhat like a python tuple
Some fields are special, and are called keys:
The primary key uniquely defines a record in a table (e.g., each row is identified by a unique number)
To allow fast retrieval, some fields (and typically all the keys) are indexed — a copy of certain columns that can be searched very efficiently.
Foreign keys are keys in a table that are primary keys in another table and define relationships between the tables
The key to designing a database is to minimize redundancy and dependency without losing the logical consistency of tables — this is called normalization (arguably more of an art than a science!)
Let’s look at a simple example.
Imagine you recorded body sizes of species from different field sites in a single text file (e.g., a .csv
file) with the following fields:
Field |
Definition |
Unique ID for the record |
Name of the site |
Longitude of the site |
Latitude of the site |
Date of the sample |
Hour of the sampling |
Average air temperature on the sampling day |
Temperature of the water |
PH of the water |
Species of the sampled individual |
Latin binomial of the species |
Width of the individual |
Weight of the individual |
It would be logical to divide the data into four tables:
Site table:
Field |
Definition |
ID for the site |
Name of the site |
Longitude of the site |
Latitude of the site |
Sample table:
Field |
Definition |
ID for the sampling date |
Date of the sample |
Hour of the sample |
Average air temperature |
Temperature of the water |
PH of the water |
Species table:
Field |
Definition |
ID for the species |
Species name |
Latin binomial of the species |
Individual table:
Field |
Definition |
ID for the individual sampled |
ID for the species |
ID for the sampling day |
ID for the site |
Width of the individual |
Weight of the individual |
In each table, the first ID field is the primary key. The last table contains three foreign keys because each individual is associated with one species, one sampling day and one sampling site.
These structural features of a database are called its schema.
is a simple (and very popular) SQL (Structured Query Language)-based solution for managing localized, personal databases. I can safely bet that most, if not all of you unknowingly (or knowingly!) use SQLite
— it is used by MacOSX, Firefox, Acrobat Reader,iTunes, Skype, iPhone, etc. SQLite is also the database “engine” underlying your Silwood Masters Web App
We can easily use SQLite through Python scripts. First, install SQLite by typing in the Ubuntu terminal:
sudo apt install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
Also, make sure that you have the necessary package for python by typing import sqlite3
in the python or ipython shell. Finally, you may install a GUI for SQLite3 :
sudo apt install sqliteman
Now type sqlite3
in the Ubuntu terminal to check if SQLite successfully launches.
SQLite has very few data types (and lacks a boolean and a date type):
Field Data Type |
Definition |
The value is a NULL value |
The value is a signed integer, stored in up to or 8 bytes |
The value is a floating point value, stored as in 8 bytes |
The value is a text string |
The value is a blob of data, stored exactly as it was input (useful for binary types, such as bitmap images or pdfs) |
Typically, you will build a database by importing csv data — be aware that:
Headers: the csv should have no headers
Separators: if the comma is the separator, each record should not contain any other commas
Quotes: there should be no quotes in the data
Newlines: there should be no newlines
Now build your first database in SQLite! We will use as example a global dataset on metabolic traits called Biotraits that we are currently developing in our lab (should be in your Data
directory). This dataset contains 164 columns (fields). Thermal response curves for different traits and species are stored in rows. This means
that site description or taxonomy are repeated as many times as temperatures are measured in the curve. You can imagine how much redundacy can be here!!!
For this reason, it is easier to migrate the dataset to SQL and split it into several tables:
TCP: Includes the thermal curve performance for each species and trait (as many rows per trait and species as temperatures have been measured within the TCP)
TraitInfo: Contains site description and conditions under the traits were measured (one row per thermal curve)
Consumer: Consumer description including taxonomy (one row per thermal curve).
Resource: Resource description including taxonomy (one row per thermal curve).
Size: Size data for each species (one row per thermal curve)
DataSource: Contains information about the data source (citation, contributors) (one row per thermal curve).
So all these tables compose the Biotraits schema
In an Linux/Unix terminal, navigate to your data
Now, launch a new database using sqlite:
sqlite3 Biotraits.db
This should return something like:
SQLite version 3.11.0 2016-02-15 17:29:24
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
This creates an empty database in your data
You should now see the sqlite cursor (sqlite>
), and will be entering your commands there.
Now we need to create a table with some fields. Let’s start with the TraitInfo table (enter these one line at a time, without the ...>
sqlite> CREATE TABLE TraitInfo (Numbers integer primary key,
...> OriginalID text,
...> FinalID text,
...> OriginalTraitName text,
...> OriginalTraitDef text,
...> Replicates integer,
...> Habitat integer,
...> Climate text,
...> Location text,
...> LocationType text,
...> LocationDate text,
...> CoordinateType text,
...> Latitude integer,
...> Longitude integer);
Note that I am writing all SQL commands in upper case, but it is not necessary. I am using upper case here because SQL syntax is long and clunky, and it quickly becomes hard to spot (and edit) commands in long strings of complex queries.
Now let’s import the dataset:
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .import TraitInfo.csv TraitInfo
So we built a table and imported a csv file into it. Now we can ask SQLite to show all the tables we currently have:
sqlite> .tables
Let’s run our first Query (note that you need a semicolon to end a command):
sqlite> SELECT * FROM TraitInfo LIMIT 5;
Let’s turn on some nicer formatting:
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .header ON
sqlite> SELECT * FROM TraitInfo LIMIT 5;
You should see something like:
Numbers OriginalID FinalID OriginalTraitName ...
------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------- ...
1 1 MTD1 Resource Consumption Rate ...
4 2 MTD2 Resource Consumption Rate ...
6 3 MTD3 Resource Consumption Rate ...
9 4 MTD4 Resource Mass Consumption ...
12 5 MTD5 Resource Mass Consumption ...
The main statement to select records from a table is
sqlite> .width 40 ## NOTE: Control the width
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT OriginalTraitName FROM TraitInfo; # Returns unique values
Which gives:
Resource Consumption Rate
Resource Mass Consumption Rate
Mass-Specific Mass Consumption Rate
Voluntary Body Velocity
Forward Attack Distance
Foraging Velocity
Resource Reaction Distance
Now try these:
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT Habitat FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE OriginalTraitName = "Resource Consumption Rate"; # Sets a condition`
sqlite> SELECT COUNT (*) FROM TraitInfo; # Returns number of rows
Count (*)
sqlite> SELECT Habitat, COUNT(OriginalTraitName) # Returns number of rows for each group
...> FROM TraitInfo GROUP BY Habitat;
Habitat COUNT(OriginalTraitName)
---------- ------------------------
NA 16
freshwater 609
marine 909
terrestria 802
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT OriginalTraitName) # Returns number of unique values
...> FROM TraitInfo;
COUNT(DISTINCT OriginalTraitName)
sqlite> SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT OriginalTraitName) TraitCount # Assigns alias to the variable
...> FROM TraitInfo;
sqlite> SELECT Habitat,
...> COUNT(DISTINCT OriginalTraitName) AS TN
...> FROM TraitInfo GROUP BY Habitat;
Habitat TN
---------- ----------
NA 7
freshwater 82
marine 95
terrestria 96
...> FROM TraitInfo # FROM WHERE
...> WHERE Habitat = "marine" # CONDITIONS
...> AND OriginalTraitName = "Resource Consumption Rate";
Numbers OriginalID FinalID OriginalTraitName ...
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------- ...
778 308 MTD99 Resource Consumption Rate ...
798 310 MTD101 Resource Consumption Rate ...
806 311 MTD102 Resource Consumption Rate ...
993 351 MTD113 Resource Consumption Rate ...
The structure of the SELECT
command is as follows (Note: all characters are case insensitive):
FROM table
WHERE predicate
GROUP BY field
HAVING predicate
ORDER BY field
LIMIT number
Let’s try some more elaborate queries:
sqlite> SELECT Numbers FROM TraitInfo LIMIT 5;
sqlite> SELECT Numbers
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE Numbers > 100
...> AND Numbers < 200;
sqlite> SELECT Numbers
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE Habitat = "freshwater"
...> AND Number > 700
...> AND Number < 800;
You can also match records using something like regular expressions. In SQL, when we use the command LIKE
, the percent % symbol matches any sequence of zero or more characters and the underscore matches any single character. Similarly, GLOB
uses the asterisk and the underscore.
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT OriginalTraitName
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE OriginalTraitName LIKE "_esource Consumption Rate";
Resource Consumption Rate
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT OriginalTraitName
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE OriginalTraitName LIKE "Resource%";
Resource Consumption Rate
Resource Mass Consumption Rate
Resource Reaction Distance
Resource Habitat Encounter Rate
Resource Consumption Probability
Resource Mobility Selection
Resource Size Selection
Resource Size Capture Intent Acceptance
Resource Encounter Rate
Resource Escape Response Probability
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT OriginalTraitName
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE OriginalTraitName GLOB "Resource*";
Resource Consumption Rate
Resource Mass Consumption Rate
Resource Reaction Distance
Resource Habitat Encounter Rate
Resource Consumption Probability
Resource Mobility Selection
Resource Size Selection
Resource Size Capture Intent Acceptance
Resource Encounter Rate
Resource Escape Response Probability
sqlite> SELECT DISTINCT OriginalTraitName
...> FROM TraitInfo
...> WHERE OriginalTraitName LIKE "resource%";
Resource Consumption Rate
Resource Mass Consumption Rate
Resource Reaction Distance
Resource Habitat Encounter Rate
Resource Consumption Probability
Resource Mobility Selection
Resource Size Selection
Resource Size Capture Intent Acceptance
Resource Encounter Rate
Resource Escape Response Probability
We can also order by any column:
sqlite> SELECT OriginalTraitName, Habitat FROM
...> TraitInfo LIMIT 5;
OriginalTraitName Habitat
------------------------- ----------
Resource Consumption Rate freshwater
Resource Consumption Rate freshwater
Resource Consumption Rate freshwater
Resource Mass Consumption freshwater
Resource Mass Consumption freshwater
sqlite> SELECT OriginalTraitName, Habitat FROM
...> TraitInfo ORDER BY OriginalTraitName LIMIT 5;
OriginalTraitName Habitat
-------------------------- ----------
48-hr Hatching Probability marine
Asexual Reproduction Rate marine
Attack Body Acceleration marine
Attack Body Velocity marine
Attack Body Velocity marine
Until now we have just queried data from one single table, but as we have seen, the point of storing a database in SQL is that we can use multiple tables minimizing redundancies within them. And of course, querying data from those different tables at the same time will be necessary at some point.
Let’s import then one more table to our database:
sqlite> CREATE TABLE Consumer (Numbers integer primary key,
...> OriginalID text,
...> FinalID text,
...> Consumer text,
...> ConCommon text,
...> ConKingdom text,
...> ConPhylum text,
...> ConClass text,
...> ConOrder text,
...> ConFamily text,
...> ConGenus text,
...> ConSpecies text);
sqlite> .import Consumer.csv Consumer
Now we have two tables in our database:
sqlite> .tables
Consumer TraitInfo
These tables are connected by two different keys: OriginalID
and FinalID
. These are unique IDs for each thermal curve. For each FinalID
we can get the trait name (OriginalTraitName
) from the TraitInfo
table and the corresponding species name (ConSpecies
) from the Consumer
sqlite> SELECT A1.FinalID, A1.Consumer, A2.FinalID, A2.OriginalTraitName
...> FROM Consumer A1, TraitInfo A2
...> WHERE A1.FinalID=A2.FinalID LIMIT 8;
FinalID Consumer FinalID OriginalTraitName
---------- --------------------- ---------- -------------------------
MTD1 Chaoborus trivittatus MTD1 Resource Consumption Rate
MTD2 Chaoborus trivittatus MTD2 Resource Consumption Rate
MTD3 Chaoborus americanus MTD3 Resource Consumption Rate
MTD4 Stizostedion vitreum MTD4 Resource Mass Consumption
MTD5 Macrobrachium rosenbe MTD5 Resource Mass Consumption
MTD6 Ranatra dispar MTD6 Resource Consumption Rate
MTD7 Ceriodaphnia reticula MTD7 Mass-Specific Mass Consum
MTD8 Polyphemus pediculus MTD8 Voluntary Body Velocity
# In the same way we assign alias to variables, we can use them for tables.
This example seems easy because both tables have the same number of rows. But the query is still as simple when we have tables with different rows.
Let’s import the TCP table:
sqlite> CREATE TABLE TCP (Numbers integer primary key,
...> OriginalID text,
...> FinalID text,
...> OriginalTraitValue integer,
...> OriginalTraitUnit text,
...> LabGrowthTemp integer,
...> LabGrowthTempUnit text,
...> ConTemp integer,
...> ConTempUnit text,
...> ConTempMethod text,
...> ConAcc text,
...> ConAccTemp integer);
sqlite> .import TCP.csv TCP
sqlite> .tables
Consumer TCP TraitInfo
Now imagine we want to query the thermal performance curves that we have stored for the species Mytilus edulis. Using the FinalID to match the tables, the query can be as simple as:
sqlite> CREATE TABLE TCP (Numbers integer primary key,
...> OriginalID text,
...> FinalID text,
...> OriginalTraitValue integer,
...> OriginalTraitUnit text,
...> LabGrowthTemp integer,
...> LabGrowthTempUnit text,
...> ConTemp integer,
...> ConTempUnit text,
...> ConTempMethod text,
...> ConAcc text,
...> ConAccTemp integer);
sqlite> .import TCP.csv TCP
sqlite> .tables
Consumer TCP TraitInfo
sqlite> SELECT A1.ConTemp, A1.OriginalTraitValue, A2.OriginalTraitName, A3.Consumer
...> FROM TCP A1, TraitInfo A2, Consumer A3
...> WHERE A1.FinalID=A2.FinalID AND A3.ConSpecies="Mytilus edulis" AND A3.FinalID=A2.FinalID LIMIT 8
ConTemp OriginalTraitValue OriginalTraitName Consumer
---------- -------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------
25 2.707075 Filtration Rate Mytilus edulis
20 3.40721 Filtration Rate Mytilus edulis
5 3.419455 Filtration Rate Mytilus edulis
15 3.711165 Filtration Rate Mytilus edulis
10 3.875465 Filtration Rate Mytilus edulis
5 0.34 In Vitro Gill Particle Transpo Mytilus edulis
10 0.46 In Vitro Gill Particle Transpo Mytilus edulis
15 0.595 In Vitro Gill Particle Transpo Mytilus edulis
So on and so forth (joining tables etc. would come next…). But if you want to keep practicing and learn more about sqlite commands, this is a very useful site: You can
store your queries and database management commands in an .sql
file (geany
will take care of syntax highlighting etc.)
SQLite with Python#
It is easy to access, update and manage SQLite databases with Python (you will find this script file in the code
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("CREATE TABLE tt (Val TEXT)")
z = [('a',), ('ab',), ('abc',), ('b',), ('c',)]
c.executemany("INSERT INTO tt VALUES (?)", z)
c.execute("SELECT * FROM tt WHERE Val LIKE 'a%'").fetchall()
You can create a database in memory, without using the disk — thus you can create and discard an SQLite database within your workflow!
Readings and Resources#
“The Definitive Guide to SQLite” is a pretty complete guide to SQLite and freely available from here
For databses in general, try the Stanford Introduction to Databases course
A set of sqlite tutorials in Jupyter: royalosyin/Practice-SQL-with-SQLite-and-Jupyter-Notebook